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Furrin Gok

A member registered Jul 09, 2022

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Remember, if it says "X Yx50" you need 50 of both materials, not just the one.

Really enjoy the "no stigma in this world" concept. Just because things are determined to be bad in our world doesn't mean anything in regards to another world.

Had the same problem. Deleting the files to ensure no old data still existed seemed to work. Not sure you can keep your saves doing that, but that's beta-builds for you.

The number displayed applies to all shown resources, it's not "one of everything else" like you might think.

I figured Kinwa just had that low tech, but might not be intended to be that much.

Have you tried making sure Mark of Fertility is enabled? If it already is, disable it and re-enable it.

Try clicking on the male/female icon at the top while choosing interactions, see if that enables anything. Otherwise, make sure that one of the characters has a vagina.

Read the controls beneath the game itself. The game has way more controls than you're probably expecting.

In the eastern surface wilds (I think it's east, opposite Neko's home), there's a little makeshift shelter that eventually has a big gorilla in it. Advance quests until he's there, then talk to the nearby soldiers for a quest involving him. Use the rewarded relic to enter the rat's nest next to him, and you'll find the key to Futa content in there.

Other than first getting it, the only scene I've seen with it is in First Stratum, where a dwarven housewife in the Inn wants some help.

It seems to be less of the game and more that Neneko's speed just slows down to a crawl. Try saving/loading, jumping, attacking, just doing a variety of things to reset it, it worked for me--though if your case is actual slow frames, it likely won't for you.

(1 edit)

Any way to get the Kirin Horn if you killed it before getting Kaere's quest? The corpse is still there, but I can't seem to interact.

Edit: Somehow, after speaking to Anemone in her shop, Kaere finally spawned inside the shrine. Don't know if there was an issue with flags not being coded early enough, or if a bug stopped the flag from triggering before or something.

Same:This really doesn't say much to me but hopefully it'll help the devs solve it.

Ravaryn  Outskirts, once you reach the star on the map.

If you try to access inventory (and probably numerous other things) during the scene at the lake, the game gets stuck, unable to return. 

Doesn't work for facesitting positions? I know there's currently no purely lesbian poses, but a few are available if you genderswap Null and still have sex with the NPCs.

Did you accidentally X out the slowdown token or leave the speedup token checkmarked? Maybe slowdown just keeps it slower longer, not permanently.

As a male, female, or futa, with a "Normal" (quotes because it's still big) dick or none at all, Null's boxers prevent the crotch from being visible outside of kissing high heat characters or sex. You can use a Magic Mushroom for a giant dick which is always out.

She mentions that based on what her mistress always fed her with, she doesn't have a favorite food, but enjoys anything (there's no +0, just +1 for everything).

Some kind of effect to having a musty, cum-filthy room. Daily heat and pervertedness, maybe?

Not just skipping cum scenes, but baby delivery as well. If you go crazy and feed an NPC a hundred Impregnates that scene takes forever.

Hit a tnt while on Overdrive at the end of the level, managed to stop hitting the TNT in time to break the end, but died and got shoot-em-up at the same time, resulting in a crash.